CPG Consultants has been engaged by the Public Works Department of Brunei Darussalam for this project, which involves the creation of two drainage manuals, the design and supervision of the first Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) project in Brunei, and the execution of workshops and seminars to improve understanding of drainage and WSUD elements.
The objectives for this project consist of three points. Firstly, to create a drainage manual for the design of conventional stormwater drainage elements and a stormwater management manual, describing the different WSUD methods which can be applied in Brunei. Secondly, to conduct three workshops and seminars to improve participants' understanding of the design of Sedimentation Basins, Bio-retention, Wetland Design, and Stormwater Detention, and lastly, to design a rain-garden and bio-retention swales at two different sites to showcase the role of WSUD.