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Solid Waste Management for Guangzhou Pearl River Delta

The Solid Waste Management sector assessment for the Guangzhou Pearl River Delta urban environment was conducted by CPG Consultants, under the overall coordination of the World Bank Loan Project Office of the Provincial Finance Bureau (PPMO).

The assessment was carried out to provide sector information and to prepare a strategy report to the World Bank and Guangdong Province on Solid Waste Management (SWM) of the Guangzhou Municipality. The study covers municipal solid waste, septic sludge and night soil, and industrial solid waste, including hazardous waste. The sector assessment identified the trends and resulting environmental infrastructure needs to establish a more defined project component framework, to provide the basis for project preparation.

The specific objectives of this sector assessment were to identify environmental, technical and financial problems and constraints associated with the existing urban SWM services and practices; carry out an initial performance assessment of urban SWM systems; and set out recommendations for sector policy options, investment opportunities, and follow up actions needed for the future steps of project preparation and processing.

Project name Solid Waste Management for Guangzhou Pearl River Delta
Location China
Completion Date 2003
Service(s) Rendered Environmental Engineering

Client World Bank