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Urban Planning & Design
CPG Consultants delivers urban planning services with a unique Singapore branding renowned for integrated and farsighted city planning, based on comprehensive studies of man-made, as well as natural environments.

Our global exposure and planning portfolio covers more than 50 cities in China, India, the ASEAN nations, Central Asia and the Middle East, and includes city and regional planning, land use studies, urban redevelopment and urban design. With the experience and expertise garnered over many years, we are able to offer an international outlook complemented with sensitivity and value creation, with invaluable insight into each local setting.

Our comprehensive range of services includes:

CPG Urban Planning’s multidisciplinary planning team comprises planners, architects, urban designers, landscape architects, as well as specialists in transportation, infrastructure, green design and environmental engineering. Our team adopts an integrated and holistic approach for all masterplanning projects. This involves creating spaces, buildings and environments that are unique and dynamic, and which factor in the complex interplay between urban ecologies, social-economic forces and public policies.
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