Chek Jawa, located at the eastern tip of Pulau Ubin, is a unique natural environment that is unusually rich in biodiversity. The primary objective of the project is to provide improved amenities and greater accessibility - a place that is user-friendly and safe for residents. It also aims to deliver appropriate solutions for the harsh coastal environment to ensure that maintenance costs are kept as low as possible.
The facilities include a network of boardwalks along the coastal and mangrove areas, a look-out tower, shelters, jetty and pontoon. The existing House no. 1 was adapted, with minimal intervention, into a visitor centre and a research facility from which visitors will get an overview of the Chek Jawa Wetlands. Positioned at the 'gateway' to Chek Jawa Wetlands, the bungalow has a rich architectural and historical significance. The design endeavours to integrate the built environment with nature within the idyllic setting of Pulau Ubin, with minimal impact on the ecology and minimal damage to the fragile habitats and ecosystems.